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    Recent News
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    The Midland Division of The Salvation Army, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is led by Divisional Commander Major Robert E. Thomson. It encompasses the state of Missouri, with the exception of Kansas City and six surrounding counties, and southern Illinois.

    The Army has a strong presence across the Division, with 29 Corps Community Centers; five social service institutions (with 615 beds) in St. Louis; 12 shelters (with 252 beds) outside of St. Louis; and 148 service units (local volunteer units) that are strategically located across the two states.

    The Salvation Army’s services literally touch people from the cradle to the grave. For example, in St. Louis, the Hope Center reaches dozens of children each day through its day programs and a few miles away, Booth Manor provides 73 residential units for low-income senior citizens.

    The Salvation Army spent more than $36 million on service in the Midland Division last year. It is a cost-efficient organization.In St. Louis, for example, 90 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to local programs and services

    Quick Facts

     In St. Louis
    90 cents of every donated dollar goes directly to local services
    nights of emergency shelter
    total meals served (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
    people served at the clinic
    People served at resource centers